Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ayden James... My newest cousin

Last weekend i was able to meet my newest cousin Ayden and spend the night with him! He is absolutely adorable! I was very excited i was able to spend some time with him and of corse his mom... My cousin Lindsey and My aunt and uncle! We had a blast!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Raleigh Trip!

Hello people! I want to share with you all what my sis bek and i did yesterday (sunday)... We decided to go to Raleigh to visit our cousin Natalie and also go to an eisley concert! We were both pumped and so ready to take a break from out crazy lifes! Well i don't know if some of you guys know or not, but i've become pretty close friends with Chauntelle and Sherri (from eisley) we have each others numbers and text and often email, So this is the main reason we went, to see them! They put us on the guess list so we didn't have to pay (which was supper sweet) and then hung out on their bus for awhile before the show. (their are pictures below, i didn't take the bus ones, boyd did... but yea you'll get the picture!) Anyways we spent the night at NC State with Natalie and left Early this morning) Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Washington DC field trip....

Our school went to Washington DC for the whole day yesterday. We had a blast! We had to arrive at the school at 5:30 so we could leave by 6:00 am. Our school rented two charter buses one for the younger grades and one for the upper grades. We had so much fun on the bus we played with my camera and took some pretty funny pictures. Heres one of Laura Cagle and I

First thing we did was go to the National Archives! It was really fun i got to see The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Articles of confederation and The Bill of Rights Oh and we saw the Magna Carta (which is in Latin)
Here are some pictures

The Declaration of Independence!

We had to quickly rush outta the National Archives and Choke down our lunch and run to the Holocaust Museum Because our tickets were for 12:30.
We weren't allowed to take pictures in the Museum... I didn't know that untill i took a few so here they are, just don't copy and past them or sell them or something! thanks! haha

This is a train they would put close to 400 jews in it to bring them to the camps.

These two people are holocaust survivors! it was such a treat to talk to them and here their stories. The man showed us his tattoo (they tatooed numbers on their arms) He was shot in the head also. He left the camp when he was 17 and only wieghed 75 lbs! I loved talking to them!

After that we went to Mount Vernon, this was my favorit! It was beautiful! here are some pictures, Note: Laura Cagle took most of these pictures, then my camera died... once i get some pictures from other people i'll post more!

this is it for now! have a great day EVERYONE!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

catching up on field trips and such

Hey Everyone! here are some pictures from our field trip to go "whale Watching" well really it was a freezing three hour cold boat ride... yeah, anyhow it was terrible we only whent a mile and a half out and saw a dolphin. But yeah we ended up staying inside and takeing pictures of each other... here they are! hope you get a laugh or two out of them... this is from Feb. i think, it was a while ago. Most of the boys fell asleep!

This is Laura Cagle and I...