Friday, December 14, 2007

Really Horrible pictures! (watch the video)

Last night we went to see the lights down on the ocean front! We had a blast... Our cousin Natalie was in town this week, she left today, so for her last night we decided to see the lights!
Well i don't know how much we really looked at the lights.... We were being way to crazy!! Their was 8 of us shoved in my mom's van! Jacob Joanna and i were in the back (thats way there are more pictures of us) it was hysterical!! (Jacob, Joanna,Jessica,Beka,Natalie,Reed,Mom, and Myself) David couldn't make it...
Anyhow, we played this game where you call out a saying...example would be "you just bit into an apple and found 1/2 a worm" and then you take a picture of their reaction! it was SO funny... then we all sang the 12 days of Christmas,(see the video below) but beware it could kill your ears! so here are some pretty horrible pictures but i had to post them because they're so funny!

Santa Fishing for a whale...
Gravedigger! (this is for the delps)
I think this had something to do with salting a slug!

I love this one! HAHAHAHA
they just stepped on a slug!

They were having way to much fun with my camera!
Jacob's FACE!!!

Ummmm who knows!
They opened a new sweater on Christmas day!

Reed and Rebekah being themselves!
Sorry this is so dark but just listening to it is so funny! Mom-A partridge in a pear tree. Jessica-Two turtle doves, Reed-Three French hens, Beka-Four calling birds, Jacob-Five golden rings, Natalie-Six geese a-laying, Joanna-Seven swans a-swimming, Me- Eight maids a-milking, Mom-Nine ladies dancing, Jessica-Ten lords a-leaping, ??-Eleven pipers piping, everyone-Twelve drummers drumming....

MY family is so talented aren't they? (haha)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Reed has been trying his hardest to get all of Jacob's stuff out of his room so he can move in... it's not working very well... anyhow he was in the going through his stuff and found this! He came in my room i couldn't help but take pictures! haha

hope everyone is having a great week!