Friday, November 30, 2007

Our school's colonial dance last night...

The entire night was a blast! We started the night out with some dancing (we've been going to practices so we would know how to dance colonial stile) then we had dinner and more dancing! it was so much fun! here are some pictures!

Here is a pic of Miss Kaitlyn Dalmas

Aron and Laura lead the whole night! they did a great job! (check out Aaron's hair!! so funny)

Connor and Kyle just had to get in the picture!

Jessica and me

The entire group!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving (1 edit)

For my composition class, we had to write a creative paper on any subject. I did mine on the Rickards thanksgiving... Here it is enjoy! There are a few typos...sorry

"My Family’s Preparations for Thanksgiving"

Nine a.m., a day before Thanksgiving and the Rickards house is the definition of chaos. My mom is running around, similarly to how one would run after being cooped up in a cage for twenty years. The dogs are barking, my brother is sitting on the couch trying to act like he didn’t hear my mom ask him to unload the dishwasher for the hundredth time, and my sister, oblivious of it all, she is outside in her drum room banging away like there’s no tomorrow. As for me, I’m in the kitchen with my mother trying to get the mashed potatoes, pea salad and whatever other meal we’ll be serving for our annual thanksgiving feast!
It’s two p.m. that means we only have ten more hours until Thanksgiving Day! Just to catch you up, the past five hours we have managed to get four casseroles in the oven, and we got my brother off the couch and he has gotten half of the dishes unloaded! About this time, our Grandmother and our great-Grandmother came walking in the door, little did they know our dog’s slipped past them and are bolting down the street. My Grandmother, a little stressed to say the least, is already in the kitchen starting on the potato salad, little did she know I had already made the potato salad, but when she's stressed she kind of blocks everything around her out. So I guess we’ll be having two potato salads this year.
It’s six p.m. everyone is still going strong Rebekah is now upstairs in her room vacuuming, Jacob and my dad are in the living room falling asleep, and Reed just realized the dogs are missing! Everyone FREEZE where are the dogs? When’s the last time you saw them? At this moment everyone is in a panic… so Reed and I hop on our bikes and my grandma and my mom get in their car and start driving around looking for them…a half hour later we find them and bring them home, only to find that the turkey which was in the oven has burned! The turkey my mom has been working on for the past 48 hours has been ruined because of our stupidity of letting the dogs out! That has put my mom in a bad mood (rightfully so) and we all know when mom’s in a bad mood everyone is!
It’s nine o’clock and everyone is being short with each other, but we can’t give up yet because we have 50 + people coming over for thanksgiving tomorrow and we still have five more desserts to make!
It’s lunch time on Thanksgiving Day; we have all already watched the parade and have gotten in the thankful mood! The gussets are arriving. We have the usual grandparents and cousins, but this year we have a special guest one who has never celebrated thanksgiving before! Its Cathy Hugo’s mom who lives in South Africa, she is here to visit. She and Cathy wanted to spend thanksgiving with us.
My sisters(Jessica and Beka) had the most brilliant idea of making hats which would say, Plymouth Rock (and it would be a brown hat with a huge rock on it), then one would say Ham (and it would be a pink pig), one would say Indian, another would say the Mayflower, and so forth. It was hilarious we made everyone wear their hats during the whole meal! Cathy's mom thought we were serious! After the meal everyone goes their separate ways thinking about how crazy the past few days were! I bet you could ask (almost) anyone one of us and none would take one moment back!
I absolutely LOVE the holidays! Thanksgiving, Christmas and New years you name it, I love the whole aspect of holidays, even with my chaotic family!
The End

What hard workers peeling the potatoes for us....

Then they dumped them on the floor.... hahahahah

Then everyone fell asleep... it's funny we were all looking for Jessia, David and Bek and we found them all asleep in my parents bed! haha

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You know it's winter when...

the huge blip goes up next door to your house! it's SO ugly!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Movie Scenester

Hey Guys, Just trying to spread the word!

It's kind of like a Myspace for movie lovers! It's just a fun site for people who get tired of reading review from people who are paid to write them when really they don't know any better than any of us because they're just a humans like us...So come join the fun if it sounds like your thing! Love always,